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Thoughts of a Lifestyle Domme

I'm a lifestyle domme. These are my thoughts. /fin

Okay, but somewhat more seriously, dominance has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Long before I really knew what it was. I pursued D/s as soon as I could and now have a 24/7 TPE dynamic . Over the years, I've written articles, guides, created resources and other bits and put them in one place. And you've found it.

Have a browse, have a read and do have fun.

Latest Posts
photo of spiral white stairs

The Sub / Domme Ratio

'The ratio' of dommes to subs is a myth. So, why do so many male subs claim that finding a domme is impossible?
Close-up of a Black Leather Flogger

Why I Dislike The ‘Narrative of Punishment’

Amongst the huge volume of badly written, presumptuous mental bio-hazards which clog my inbox, ‘punish me, Mistress‘ is a phrase which crops up exceedingly often. Every time I open a message like this, even before the exasperation manages to catch up to me, the thought ‘for what?!’ crashes through my…

Why A Sub’s Inexperience Can Be a Red Flag

Inexperienced subs often cite said inexperience as the most significant barrier to finding a dominant. I’ve heard subs compare it to the Catch 22 posed by a lot of entry level jobs – everywhere you can get experience requires you to have experience already. Inexperience undoubtedly can count against a…
Silken Claws.
Welcome to the thoughts of a lifestyle domme - a collection of articles, writing, rambles and otherwise on femdom, power exchange, and kink in general.
© Copyright 2024 Silken Claws.
Please do not use or reproduce any of my work without prior written consent.